bethbeth at mcdonalds and stuff
Hi guys sorry i did'nt post for a while but my BFF is here so she would like to write something here you go: Hi im a bit crazy today as ive just ahd a mcdonalds smoothie and im on a sugar rush. i like mcdonalds im amazing and so is my bfftlewe. ive been on holiday and immortal is more tanned than me and im sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
This is Nadine, Beth, Eleanor and me imortal in order from left to right
This is Nadine, Beth, Eleanor and me imortal in order from left to right
Holiday time!!!
Hi guys today me and my family are getting ready to go to the beach yay!!! I am really looking forward to the trip and I hope that something cool happens so I can tell you about it!! I have to go now but I will write about the journey tomorrow bye!!
Me and my friends
Hi I'm Immy (Immortal) and this is my blog!!! I hope you like it, I am going to try to blog about stuff regularly about friends, adventures, books etc...
So keep checking my blog for new things!!!!
This is me Immortal (As an anime!)
This is my BFF Beth as an anime!
This is my BF Nadine as an anime

This is my friend Eleanor as an anime
So keep checking my blog for new things!!!!
This is me Immortal (As an anime!)
This is my BFF Beth as an anime!
This is my BF Nadine as an anime

This is my friend Eleanor as an anime